Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
Pokémon continues its gradual advance into the 21st century with its seventh generation, to mixed but eventually positive results.
Pokémon continues its gradual advance into the 21st century with its seventh generation, to mixed but eventually positive results.
Anything in Salt and Sanctuary that doesn’t owe its existence to From Software is an undisciplined jumble of quality.
rymdkapsel’s problem isn’t that it’s brief, but that it’s brief because it’s completely trivial.
I consider myself a Kirby fan, but only when the series is partaking in gimmicky cartoon weirdness. The titles that try to be regular platformers, like Kirby’s Dream Land 2, just feel generic and empty.
To the Moon’s pseudo-follow-up carries on its predecessor’s legacy of excellent sprite art, powerful music, and a narrative that’s both heartwarming and heartwrenching, but it’s also missing a decent hook.
Overall, I was often frustrated with Boson X, but I also kept coming back to it.
Sorcery! is a fascinating experience that alternates between highly engaging and ultimately disappointing.
Everything about the original Guacamelee! has been maintained here, including its quality.
Hoplite is a neat little title that will inevitably leave players asking, “Was that it?”
This is the sharpest adventure game since Machinarium.