The Walking Dead: 400 Days
The ideas and story threads of 400 Days deserve to be more than an hour and a half of DLC.
The ideas and story threads of 400 Days deserve to be more than an hour and a half of DLC.
DmC is better than all of the previous Devil May Cry games I’ve played.
PAYDAY’s heist elements give the game a unique flavour that makes it more enjoyable than a standard imitation, even when the imitation itself is rather flawed.
With Flavour Nexus, Necrophone Games have made a graphically primitive, surreal prototype with minimal substance.
This game is insane even by Treasure’s usual unbridled standards.
I’ll never say no to more of Dishonored’s stellar gameplay, but some aspects of The Knife of Dunwall are disappointing.
Gorogoa tells a beautiful story of a life ravaged by war and enriched by spirituality.
Lethal League Blaze is one of those sequels that renders the original largely obsolete.
With this final single-player expansion, Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove now contains two of my favourite games ever.
It’s not much of an overstatement to say that I despise traditional fighting games, but I’m slightly more amenable to Samurai Shodown.