Disco Elysium
Disco Elysium walks a thin line between curiously fantastic and achingly familiar, and I can’t wait for more stories to be set in its world.
Disco Elysium walks a thin line between curiously fantastic and achingly familiar, and I can’t wait for more stories to be set in its world.
OlliOlli2 feels like the archaism of a traditional fighting game and thus may resonate with a certain audience but will alienate everyone else.
It’s impressive that a such an experimental game even works, let alone works this well.
Untitled Goose Game is exactly as advertised, and it’s hilarious.
I’m not convinced there’s a workable intersection of action and cosmic horror, despite how hard Sundered argues otherwise.
An educational game is supposed to make learning more exciting, not less.
It’s mostly nonsense, but it’s extremely entertaining nonsense.
It doesn’t have a single original mechanic to its name, but its presentation and the overall sensation of playing it make it worth doing so.
It’s refreshing to play a game whose great idea is so great that it’s worth playing despite its scrappy packaging.
Despite being arguably the least original mainline entry in its often-ground-breaking series, Resident Evil 7 may actually be the best of the bunch.