Stardew Valley
I kept coming back to Stardew Valley, but I found myself constantly wondering if it was worth the time investment.
I kept coming back to Stardew Valley, but I found myself constantly wondering if it was worth the time investment.
Inscryption comes as close to successfully pulling off this type of game as I can imagine is possible.
I think The Witness is the most I’ve ever been absorbed by a game that I didn’t find particularly entertaining.
While certainly well-intentioned, Among the Sleep doesn’t do enough to stand out from its incredibly crowded genre.
Getting Over It shows enormous potential as a work of misunderstood genius, but I can’t bring myself to reach the last third of its content.
Everything that while True: learn() tries beyond the first few hours immediately falls flat.
No matter which version you play, Ninja Gaiden is an occasionally exciting, more-than-occasionally tiresome monument to gaming’s adolescent years.
Without its multiplayer, Pandora Tomorrow is a B-team-developed sequel that’s more of an expansion pack.
Dead Cells is a perfectly well-made game that’s just not particularly interesting.
This is my favourite of the first three Civ titles.