Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater – Master Collection Version
MGS3 is overflowing with ideas, but it neglects the basics so thoroughly that actually playing it is a struggle more often than not.
MGS3 is overflowing with ideas, but it neglects the basics so thoroughly that actually playing it is a struggle more often than not.
Ultimately, the version doesn’t matter – Monkey Island is worth playing regardless.
I can’t for the life of me figure out what Minerva’s Den has done to deserve its new reputation.
Terraria is very much about quantity over quality.
The Unfinished Swan is a lovely, memorable journey.
Chaos Theory works the best and has the most engaging little additions of any game in the series.
If BioShock 2 was using material of its own creation, it would be seen as another classic. Instead, it’s a good game whose quality will forever have an asterisk beside it.
Up Your Arsenal perfectly embodies the kind of lighthearted fun that gritty shooters of the following decade lost sight of.
No matter which version you play, Ninja Gaiden is an occasionally exciting, more-than-occasionally tiresome monument to gaming’s adolescent years.
Without its multiplayer, Pandora Tomorrow is a B-team-developed sequel that’s more of an expansion pack.