Shovel Knight: King of Cards
With this final single-player expansion, Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove now contains two of my favourite games ever.
With this final single-player expansion, Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove now contains two of my favourite games ever.
I think I’ll have to file the Traveller’s Tales LEGO games in with the games I respect more than I enjoy.
Specter of Torment seems to go out of its way to rectify the problems of Shovel Knight’s first expansion.
I’m sad to say that I only kind of understand the adoration lavished on DMC3.
Instead of trying to push the definition of a game at the expense of all else, Journey is lighter on experimentation but heavy on refinement.
Resident Evil holds up remarkably well. Most of its flaws are evident regardless of the era of release.
There are two surprising things about Wolfenstein: The New Order. It’s an extremely ordinary FPS otherwise.
While The Wolf Among Us proves The Walking Dead wasn’t entirely a flash in the pan, in hindsight, it’s clear that the studio had no idea what to do with its signature style.
This is like the gaming equivalent of Oscar bait – using up a whole lot of artistic talent to say a whole lot of nothing.
Life is Strange is like a punk or folk song in video game form – a lack of refinement is the price you pay for authenticity.