I don’t feel right giving Unpacking a universal recommendation, but it’s a unique product that will be completely engrossing to a specific type of person.
I don’t feel right giving Unpacking a universal recommendation, but it’s a unique product that will be completely engrossing to a specific type of person.
It turns out that as long as nothing is completely broken, a game can be decently supported by creativity alone.
Runbow may be visually colourful, but its personality is drab as can be.
The Unfinished Swan is a lovely, memorable journey.
I like BPM, but I want to like it a whole lot more than I do.
Prison Architect is committed to the realism of its simulation in almost all aspects, and whether or not that’s a good thing will depend entirely on the player.
Picnic Panic is basically what The Messenger half-heartedly pretended to be.
Careless design noticeably detracts from the gameplay, but the DLC is still recommended as a lovingly surreal, decently entertaining throwback.
Final Fantasy XV is a lumbering failure struggling under years of unfinished ideas.
So much of RONIN’s design impedes its intended experience.