Alba: A Wildlife Adventure
Atmosphere and good intentions alone don’t make for a decent video game.
Atmosphere and good intentions alone don’t make for a decent video game.
Terraria is very much about quantity over quality.
It turns out that as long as nothing is completely broken, a game can be decently supported by creativity alone.
Subnautica rises not only above the stereotypes of survival games, but above all other expectations.
Part Two is surprisingly anticlimactic, but the new gameplay additions keep the gory splendour fresh for another 6 hours.
It’s a testament to how exhilarating the rapid-fire brutality of DOOM Eternal was that even when it’s repeatedly kicking your face in, it’s still an absolute blast.
I’m ambivalently surprised to find Fortnite’s Battle Royale component quite enjoyable.
DOOM 2016 could once claim to be my favourite game in its venerable series, but it’s now going to have to share that spot with Eternal.