Dots never extends beyond its foundation, and more damningly, it’s ruined by its monetization model.
Dots never extends beyond its foundation, and more damningly, it’s ruined by its monetization model.
Of the three games developed by Simogo that I’ve played, Year Walk is the only one I didn’t fall completely in love with.
This second component of a two-part DLC campaign is of roughly equal quality to the first one.
If there’s any game that would be worth buying an iOS device just to play, this one might be it.
The ideas and story threads of 400 Days deserve to be more than an hour and a half of DLC.
DmC is better than all of the previous Devil May Cry games I’ve played.
I’ll never say no to more of Dishonored’s stellar gameplay, but some aspects of The Knife of Dunwall are disappointing.
It’s indicative of just how good Mark of the Ninja was that a DLC consisting of only one level and two new items was still worth buying.
One Finger Death Punch is an excellent example of “less is more” game design in action.
Everything in Black Flag feels like it’s being torn apart by opposing forces.