Runbow may be visually colourful, but its personality is drab as can be.
Runbow may be visually colourful, but its personality is drab as can be.
Prison Architect is committed to the realism of its simulation in almost all aspects, and whether or not that’s a good thing will depend entirely on the player.
So much of RONIN’s design impedes its intended experience.
Emily is Away isn’t remotely engaging.
To enjoy The Talos Principle: Road to Gehenna, you really have to enjoy the base game.
OlliOlli2 feels like the archaism of a traditional fighting game and thus may resonate with a certain audience but will alienate everyone else.
A Fistful of Gun demonstrates both the unrestricted and undisciplined extremes of indie development.
Resident Evil holds up remarkably well. Most of its flaws are evident regardless of the era of release.
Life is Strange is like a punk or folk song in video game form – a lack of refinement is the price you pay for authenticity.
Axiom Verge should be an amazing nostalgic love letter, but seemingly everything that makes it awesome has a caveat attached to it.