Panzer Dragoon: Remake
The original Panzer Dragoon is a classic, so it’s unusual how decidedly inferior this shot-for-shot recreation was at launch.
The original Panzer Dragoon is a classic, so it’s unusual how decidedly inferior this shot-for-shot recreation was at launch.
I’m ambivalently surprised to find Fortnite’s Battle Royale component quite enjoyable.
This entire endeavour could be described as “endearingly scrappy.”
There’s only so much mileage to watching 60 players spectacularly fail to overcome intentionally wobbly physics.
This is the “MORE” that players clamoured for, but it’s diluted through hundreds of bite-sized repetitions.
DOOM 2016 could once claim to be my favourite game in its venerable series, but it’s now going to have to share that spot with Eternal.
There’s nothing else like Kentucky Route Zero, which is why even though I don’t recommend it, I don’t necessarily want to dissuade anyone from trying it.