Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Arceus represents a significant course correction that’s rejuvenated my excitement for the franchise.
Arceus represents a significant course correction that’s rejuvenated my excitement for the franchise.
Iron Lung is one of the most memorable and visceral experiences in the medium.
I could enjoy Elden Ring…for the first two thirds of the game.
Imagine an amazing firework display…that goes on for 72 uninterrupted hours.
It turns out that as long as nothing is completely broken, a game can be decently supported by creativity alone.
The second game is the lesser of the two, but it’s still a fascinating experience.
Careless design noticeably detracts from the gameplay, but the DLC is still recommended as a lovingly surreal, decently entertaining throwback.
Aperture Desk Job will make you even more frustrated that Valve refuses to make full games without caveats anymore.