Cult of the Lamb
It turns out that as long as nothing is completely broken, a game can be decently supported by creativity alone.
It turns out that as long as nothing is completely broken, a game can be decently supported by creativity alone.
Picnic Panic is basically what The Messenger half-heartedly pretended to be.
So much of RONIN’s design impedes its intended experience.
The Messenger is a solid throwback that’s more ambitious than it looks but also too ambitious for its own good.
Inscryption comes as close to successfully pulling off this type of game as I can imagine is possible.
There’s only so much mileage to watching 60 players spectacularly fail to overcome intentionally wobbly physics.
To enjoy The Talos Principle: Road to Gehenna, you really have to enjoy the base game.
OlliOlli2 feels like the archaism of a traditional fighting game and thus may resonate with a certain audience but will alienate everyone else.
It’s mostly nonsense, but it’s extremely entertaining nonsense.
A Fistful of Gun demonstrates both the unrestricted and undisciplined extremes of indie development.