Postal 2
When Postal 2 remembers to include some humour in its offensive humour, it can be audaciously enjoyable.
When Postal 2 remembers to include some humour in its offensive humour, it can be audaciously enjoyable.
Subnautica rises not only above the stereotypes of survival games, but above all other expectations.
Part Two is surprisingly anticlimactic, but the new gameplay additions keep the gory splendour fresh for another 6 hours.
It’s a testament to how exhilarating the rapid-fire brutality of DOOM Eternal was that even when it’s repeatedly kicking your face in, it’s still an absolute blast.
Conceptually, I’d actually consider Frog Fractions 2 better than the original. In practice, though, maintaining the parody is often given priority over entertaining the player.
Glittermitten Grove has a reputation as an inconsequential joke game, so I’m shocked to have found it a genuinely enjoyable experience.
The Ghost Survivors is more of an expansion to the bonus “4th Survivor” mode, which sounds like the opposite of a good time.
Civilization II is more immaculately designed and addictive than ever, but playing it with full audiovisual functionality may be downright impossible.
Dunwall City Trials is my favourite of the three Dishonored DLCs.
This second component of a two-part DLC campaign is of roughly equal quality to the first one.