This War of Mine: The Little Ones
With The Little Ones, This War of Mine’s video game role reversal is more brilliant than ever, but the expansion on its own is rather underwhelming.
With The Little Ones, This War of Mine’s video game role reversal is more brilliant than ever, but the expansion on its own is rather underwhelming.
DOOM 2016 could once claim to be my favourite game in its venerable series, but it’s now going to have to share that spot with Eternal.
Network Transmission is a thoroughly bland title with intermittent difficulty spikes that halt whatever momentum it can gather.
Steep is worth playing just for the experimental mix of atmosphere and athletics.
Drawful 2 forms a rift in my mind between the part that instinctively derides expansion pack sequels and the part that enjoys Drawful and its expansion pack sequel.
Mario + Rabbids is a totally unexpected title made by a team that’s clearly inexperienced in its genre, but it’s so much better than it has any right to be.
As obvious copycats go, this one’s reasonably worthwhile.
I think I’ll have to file the Traveller’s Tales LEGO games in with the games I respect more than I enjoy.
In Layers of Fear, Bloober Team just mash together well-made horror setpieces without sense or rhythm.
The single-player content in the Anniversary Edition is extraordinarily lazy and inappropriate, creating what might be the widest gap in entertainment based on player number I’ve ever seen.