Monument Valley 2: Panoramic Edition
The second game is the lesser of the two, but it’s still a fascinating experience.
The second game is the lesser of the two, but it’s still a fascinating experience.
Beyond the Sword is a real expansion that makes the original game bigger and better.
The Unfinished Swan is a lovely, memorable journey.
I like BPM, but I want to like it a whole lot more than I do.
Chaos Theory works the best and has the most engaging little additions of any game in the series.
Prison Architect is committed to the realism of its simulation in almost all aspects, and whether or not that’s a good thing will depend entirely on the player.
Picnic Panic is basically what The Messenger half-heartedly pretended to be.
If BioShock 2 was using material of its own creation, it would be seen as another classic. Instead, it’s a good game whose quality will forever have an asterisk beside it.
Careless design noticeably detracts from the gameplay, but the DLC is still recommended as a lovingly surreal, decently entertaining throwback.
Final Fantasy XV is a lumbering failure struggling under years of unfinished ideas.