Emily is Away
Emily is Away isn’t remotely engaging.
Emily is Away isn’t remotely engaging.
Star Fox Command is by no means a low-effort game, but it is misguided beyond belief.
The Pixel Remaster is a misguided museum piece that erases the very thing it’s supposed to preserve.
On average, Unravel is pleasantly distracting.
Aperture Desk Job will make you even more frustrated that Valve refuses to make full games without caveats anymore.
If you’re playing OneShot, you’re probably doing so for the story and the surprise, and in those regards, it doesn’t disappoint.
Civilization continues to improve with each installment.
Telling Lies makes me wonder if Her Story might have been a once-in-a-lifetime game.
Up Your Arsenal perfectly embodies the kind of lighthearted fun that gritty shooters of the following decade lost sight of.
I kept coming back to Stardew Valley, but I found myself constantly wondering if it was worth the time investment.