Sid Meier’s Civilization IV
Civilization continues to improve with each installment.
Civilization continues to improve with each installment.
Telling Lies makes me wonder if Her Story might have been a once-in-a-lifetime game.
Up Your Arsenal perfectly embodies the kind of lighthearted fun that gritty shooters of the following decade lost sight of.
I kept coming back to Stardew Valley, but I found myself constantly wondering if it was worth the time investment.
Inscryption comes as close to successfully pulling off this type of game as I can imagine is possible.
I think The Witness is the most I’ve ever been absorbed by a game that I didn’t find particularly entertaining.
While certainly well-intentioned, Among the Sleep doesn’t do enough to stand out from its incredibly crowded genre.
This game had to try very hard to bore me as much as it did.
Getting Over It shows enormous potential as a work of misunderstood genius, but I can’t bring myself to reach the last third of its content.
Minish Cap is simply a pretty good installment with some room for improvement.