Panzer Dragoon II Zwei
Panzer Dragoon II Zwei consists, shockingly, of more Panzer Dragoon.
Panzer Dragoon II Zwei consists, shockingly, of more Panzer Dragoon.
Ristar is not just a colourful and enjoyable example of its genre; it’s even a little ahead of its time.
Vectorman is pretty fucking rad. Unfortunately, it doesn’t actually play that well.
I love classic Sonic as much as the next person, but an imitation of past triumphs will inevitably feel hollower than its inspirations.
There are many better games than Catherine, but most of them look lazy in comparison.
The selling point of ToeJam & Earl in 1991 was how thoroughly strange it was, and that’s a feature that hasn’t aged a day.
This game is insane even by Treasure’s usual unbridled standards.