God of War II
God of War II is a very entertaining game that I’m kind of embarrassed to admit to being entertained by.
God of War II is a very entertaining game that I’m kind of embarrassed to admit to being entertained by.
All of the pieces of a fantastic game are here; they’re just put together wrong.
God of War projects a fantasy image of mindless rage and violence, but it’s not mindless itself.
The Unfinished Swan is a lovely, memorable journey.
Up Your Arsenal perfectly embodies the kind of lighthearted fun that gritty shooters of the following decade lost sight of.
This installment is still worth playing. It just has a duller impact than the first title.
Ratchet & Clank shows that good game design is timeless.
Instead of trying to push the definition of a game at the expense of all else, Journey is lighter on experimentation but heavy on refinement.
This is like the gaming equivalent of Oscar bait – using up a whole lot of artistic talent to say a whole lot of nothing.