The Talos Principle: Road to Gehenna
Obviously, you have to enjoy the base game to enjoy a DLC expansion, but for The Talos Principle: Road to Gehenna, you really have to enjoy the base game. It’s not just a collection of new levels. It’s a collection of especially difficult new levels using only existing mechanics and assets. Even as a diehard fan of the original, the complexity and constant lateral thinking of these puzzles was trying my patience, but I can’t deny that they are masterfully constructed. The asset reuse is disappointing in principle, but the visuals and audio are quietly arresting even as an encore. Given the finality of The Talos Principle’s story, Road to Gehenna can only offer additional thematic explorations, but it works exceptionally well within that restriction. In fact, the few times it tries to introduce some semblance of plot, it forgets about it by the end of the scene.